Friday, December 21, 2007

4 days to Christmas

Well, we are getting down to the wire. Only 4 days, and 3 shopping days. I know the stores are going to be busy and people rushing to get that last gift.

I had gotten sick last night. So sick that at 11:00 p.m. I was in the emergency room in Punxy. Its something that I have been dealing with for a few months, and last night I just couldn't get rid of it. Well, its just gastitis, and they gave me some medication that worked so today I am feeling better.

Today, was the first day of Christmas vacation, and Devin just hung out today. We finished our shopping last night. After we left the emergency room around 1:30 a.m., Cameron asked if I was well enough to go shopping. I said that as long as we go slow. Well, we finished, and got groceries, of course you can only do this at wal-mart. This weekend is going to be quite busy for us. We have friends coming over tomorrow night, church on Sunday, Christmas Eve is for family, and Christmas day we have people coming over.

Of course, I'm rooting for the Cowboys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jen said...

Sorry to hear you were sick Raye! How hard that must have been during this crazy time. Glad to hear you're doing better and were able to go Christmas shopping. Love the blog!

fry family said...

Hi Jen:

Thanks for looking at my blog. Hope to see you here more often.