Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Trust in God

Today is one of those days that I have to look back on a remembrance stone and remember what happened 19 years ago. It doesn't seem that long. When I remember it, it is as if I'm there. I was 19 years old, pregnant for the first time. I was living with a boyfriend at the time, and I got pregnant January 1989. On March 12, 1989, I miscarried. It was the scariest time in the world for me, and the most upsetting. My grandmother told me at the time that God had a plan for this. At that time I wasn't a believer, and I didn't understand.

Today, it is different. God does have a plan, and I trust in that plan. Two years later, I had Devin. I also raised Devin on my own for 6 years, so God knew what was down the road. Now, I know that I was too young, would I have gone the road God knew that I was going to cry out to him. My life would have been different if I were to have a child then.

So, I look at today differently, and I go about it differently. I Trust in God.

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