Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Today we are down to 13 days to Christmas. We have a wintry mix in the forecast, with also the potential for a lot of snow over the weekend.

I want to talk about traditions. When Cameron and I got married, we both came with expectations of traditions. Our first Thanksgiving and Christmas he wanted to change how I made sweet potatoes. I have learned to compromise because his way now does seem to be the easiest. I like to put up the tree and everything else the day after Thanksgiving. He actually looks forward to this. We both like to enjoy looking at the lights on the tree. We also like to drive around and see everyone else's decorations.

We have also added where we open one gift on Christmas eve. Now Cameron has to really hide my gifts because I am still like a little kid and I go snooping to see what I got. Devin likes Jim Carey's "The Grinch" so we try to watch it on Christmas Eve. Now opening a gift on Christmas Eve, you can be cruel with this. For example: When Devin was little, we bought him his first remote control car. So on Christmas Eve, we let him open the battery. He stayed up all night to figure out what the battery was for. Also, one year, before we were married, Devin looked under the tree and said, "All these presents are mine." Well, we hid them all over the house. He comes running up the stairs the next morning, and looks under the tree and there is nothing there. He gets this disappointed look on his face. So we had a scavenger hunt. By doing this, we never practiced that Santa brought the gifts. He always knew that we went shopping for his gifts.

Now with this: If we can give good gifts for our children, and we are evil, The Father in heaven can give better gifts. He did give us a wonderful gift. He gave us his Son, who would die for our sins so that we could spend eternity with him and our Father.

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